5 Tips to Create an Irresistible Landing Page

Now that Success Reimagined: Disruptive Impact had wrapped up, I think we can all agree that landing pages are at the front of our minds, right? If you attended Success Reimagined, then you are well aware of the importance of landing pages and how they differ from your regular website. That being the case, let’s take a look at the top things you can do to create a successful landing page. 

Decide on a singular focus or goal. Remember, unlike your website, your landing page has one goal: conversion. This isn’t the place to tell your prospect your life story or give a laundry list of your offerings. Decide what your goal is and keep it about that. If you want to capture email addresses, everything on your landing page should work toward that. Leave the extras for another time and place. Your call to action must be desirable and CLEAR. 

Keep your copy concise and compelling. Less is more. People don’t read, they skim. Now, don’t get too excited, less copy doesn’t mean it’s easier, it means you have to do more with less. Consider hiring a copywriter or an editor to work with you on this. Your landing page copy should be about what’s in it for them, not what's in if for you. Objectivity is your friend, so don’t be afraid to bring in those unbiased experts. 

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Helpful and Inspiring Quotes

"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it." -Estee Lauder

“Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. Opportunities- the good ones- are messy, confusing and hard to recognize. They’re risky. They challenge you. -Susan Wojcicki, CEO, YouTube

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” -Coco Chanel

"One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world; there’s going to be criticism." -Arianna Huffington, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Huffington Post Media Group

“Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling” - Anita Roddick, Founder The Body Shop

"If you can offer a free tier that provides a lot of value, it will naturally help your product to spread much more rapidly." -Melanie Perkins, Co-Founder of Canva

“Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.” -Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO BlogHer

"You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally." -Leila Janah, Founder of Samasource and LXMI

Get More Info :  Helpful and Inspiring Quotes

The Entrepreneurs of Pop Culture


We live in the age of binge-watching TV and films from the comfort of our living rooms and it's never been easier to feel connected to the journeys of the characters on our screens. Let's take a look at some pop culture entrepreneurs and see what we can learn from their successes and failures.



THE BUSINESS: Sterling Cooper Draper Price 

THE ENTREPRENEURS: Roger Sterling, Bert Cooper, and Don Draper 

On Madison Avenue in the 1960s, “mad men” dominated the advertising industry with outside the box creative, wining and dining clients, and lots and lots of mergers. Fortunately for the viewers who enjoyed the show and unfortunately for the heads of the company that seem incapable of learning their lesson ONCE, they learn over and over again to think twice before selling the company you own to a bigger fish. For men who were obsessive about the value of "having your name on the door", they were repeatedly too quick to sell their empire, only to pout and build another. 


THE BUSINESS: Wonka Industries


Between the chocolate rivers, bubble soda, and gum that makes you balloon up into a giant blueberry, the corporate candy world is a dark place. Corporate espionage is plentiful with men in dark suits determined to use children as spies when the reclusive Willy Wonka opens is factory to a small few. But Willy Wonka knows how important it is to protect your secret sauce. Apparently only Oompa Loompas are to be trusted with keeping a secret.

Get More Info : The Entrepreneurs of Pop Culture


7 Morning Habits for Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

 It’s the beginning of 2023 and therefore the perfect time to begin implementing as many good habits as possible! Many of the most successful people in the world share one thing in common, they all have morning routines. Here are some ideas for how to start the day off right and add fuel to the fire of your success!

Rise early at the same time each day. No hitting the snooze button, wake up and stay up! Entrepreneurs are a hardworking bunch and while consistent, quality sleep is essential, so is having waking hours to recuperate your mind and body. Waking up early is the perfect way to carve out those hours!

Avoid your phone. That’s right, AVOID IT. No laying in bed while checking your email or texting while you brush your teeth. The day is a blank canvas and you must start the day by priming it, not half-heartedly drawing in crayon! The morning should be a sacred routine that prepares you to be in optimum efficiency mode. Hold off on screen time until you are IN optimum efficiency mode.

Make your bed. After a long day of crushing it, isn’t it nice to come home to a neat and tidy bed ready for you to relax and unwind? Rest is essential, but so are developing physical habits that contribute to an orderly mind. Studies also show that those who report regularly making their bed in the morning are more likely to get a good night’s sleep!

Eat a quality breakfast. No more power bars or to-go coffees sans food, find a way to get healthy calories in your body when you wake up. Oprah eats a berry-rich breakfast, Barack Obama eats a full breakfast complete with eggs and potatoes, and Reese Witherspoon has had the same green smoothie daily for over a decade. Figure out what is doable for your lifestyle and prioritize a healthy and satisfying kick start!

Write down your intentions for the day. Whether this be a To-Do list like Michelle Obama or journaling like Richard Branson, take the time to put pen to paper and write it out. And no cheating by dictating to your phone or an assistant! Richard Branson swears by always writing things down himself. Studies show that writing things down yourself affect how well your brain remembers information versus simply saying it aloud.

Move your body. Tory Burch and Bill Gates are only two of many successful people who prioritize exercise in their morning routines. If you’re down for an hour-long gym workout, great! If not, consider taking a walk with the dogs, a swim, some yoga, or even a good stretching session to get that blood pumping and put yourself in a state of mind to tackle the day.

Schedule a joy appointment. Elaine Welteroth swears by scheduling moments of joy throughout the day (a practice she learned from author, Priya Parker). These are meetings that you treat the same as you do business meetings: you don’t cancel them, you don’t put them off- you prioritize your happiness. Want to spend 15 minutes reading? Do it. Want to eat a slice of cold pizza? Do it. Want to practice mindfulness while holding a puppy? Do it. Begin your day with a scheduled (and not transferable) joy appointment. Not only do you deserve one, it will help you be better at what you do!

For more ideas on success and cultivating a CEO mindset, click here!

We want to learn about you and your business—Please join us!

 Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

  • Meet potential new clients

  • Share what your business offers

  • Discover needed resources

  • Obtain support and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

5 Negotiation Tactics Every Entrepreneur Should Know

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn how to hustle. As you’re growing your business, challenging conversations are inevitable, and a good negotiation should be a dance that gets both parties some version of what they want. Take a look at five negotiation tactics every entrepreneur should know.

Listen more than you talk. It can be tempting to become a chatty Cathy when you are talking about your business and what you can do for a prospective client, but when it comes to negotiation, learn to embrace the silence. If you’ve engaged in conversation with a prospect, you’ve been given an opportunity to learn what this person wants so you can better design your strategy. Don’t throw this opportunity away by talking too much!

Use language that’s about them, not you. As you embrace the opportunity to learn what your potential client needs, don’t use language that brings it back to you, keep the focus and solution on them. Instead of saying “what I’m hearing is…”, say “it seems like you…”, this will keep them reflecting on their needs and show that your focus is on them and a solution, not on your own gain.  

Never be the first one to throw out a number. When engaging in conversation with anyone, whether it be a prospective client, employee, or contractor. Don’t be the first to give a number. When it comes time to talk money, don’t be afraid to ask for someone’s budget rather than giving a price right out of the gate. Negotiation 101 says whoever says a number first has the weaker hand. 

Don’t be discouraged by a no. I’ll even take it one step further, when you can, seek out a no! When people respond with no, it’s human nature to keep talking and explain why it’s a no. You learn far more about the person you’re negotiating with when you get a "no" response then when you get a "yes". We’re trained to see “yes” as a positive answer in negotiation, but you may be leaving an even better deal on the table by diving for that "yes" versus delving into that "no"!

End strong and positive. People won’t remember every detail of a negotiation, but they’ll remember how it ended. End on a good impression.

Get More Info :  5 Negotiation Tactics Every Entrepreneur Should Know


ICON 2022 Recap | dallas female business owners


ICON 2022 was one for the history books! In it’s 22nd year, our annual ICON Experience was full of excitement, learning, and fun! Here are some of our favorite moments

Pre-Con: PLATINUM Power Hour

This past March, we asked our PLATINUMS to give us 10 minutes of their best content, and man oh man, did they ever deliver! The top six speakers were selected to take the stage at pre-con and it’s safe to say that they blew us all away! Standing ovation for Karen M. Fisher, Michelle Jacobik, Jenny Harkleroad, Tobey Ann Terry, Kathryn Woods, and Shameca Tankerson! 

Pre-Con: The Future is Now

It’s a commonly known fact that powerful tech hardware must stay cool to remain in optimal condition, and the AC at the Embassy Suites definitely got the memo for our Dell Day! The AC may have been chilly, but the speakers and learning were H-O-T, hot! Attendees were blessed with the best as DELL, Elo, and Logitech speakers took the stage and blew our minds!


Pre-Con: Emerging Leaders Dinner

Sponsored by Hampton Water and hosted at Legacy West’s Toulouse, our Emerging Leaders were treated to a sumptuous meal and sparkling drinks to celebrate them as up and coming leaders in their communities all across the country. For more information on our Emerging Leaders program, please visit our website here. 

Get More Info :  ICON 2022 Recap | dallas female business owners


Preparing Your Social Media Plan for the 2022 Holiday Season

We may be surrounded by pumpkins, but it’s time for entrepreneurs to plan their social media strategy for the holidays! If you’re waiting till you see the sparkly lights go up on houses, you’re waiting too long. Now is the time, my friends!

Don’t wait. While the nature of social media gives you the freedom to create and post on the fly, in this instance, waiting till the last minute will not serve you. The holiday season is only so long and when you wait till the last minute to take advantage of social media, you’re taking away the chance to bring in as much revenue as you could have with better planning.  

Map out the opportunities. First look at the well-known national sales days: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Super Saturday, and the day after Christmas. Then look at any days that hold a special place for your business or industry. Finally, take a look at local opportunities that support organizations with local business purchases. Schools and non-profits increase these partnerships over the holidays. 

Give your followers notice. Don’t spring sales on them entirely by surprise. Announce that a sale/promotion is coming a week or two ahead of time and ask them to save the date and add it to their calendars. You can even consider doing a Black Friday “Preview” sale for a limited time and then bring it back by popular demand on Black Friday.

Get More Info :  Preparing Your Social Media Plan for the 2022 Holiday Season

What is a Mastermind?

“A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members.”

Have you ever wondered why Pixar movies are so consistently good? It’s because in the mid-90s they shucked the standard model of movie making from traditional studios where all the ideas come from the top and created a collaborative environment where everyone had room to share their ideas and receive feedback. And while that seemed revolutionary at the time for the movie-making business, the idea itself wasn’t new at all.  

Famous minds throughout history have utilized the Mastermind process to go from a person with an idea to someone who children study in school over a hundred years later. Andrew Carnegie, Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the list goes on. And that’s just from 50+ years ago. 

Now of course, we live in a world where women entrepreneurs are no longer an anomaly and if there’s anything we’ve learned from our three masterminds of 2021, it’s that stepping into a Mastermind should be a key goal for all entrepreneurs in 2022.

Here’s why :
Collaboration and synergy. Masterminds aren’t just about getting advice from like-minded professionals, when you mastermind with people they are just as invested in your business as you are. These fresh eyes don’t just skim a business plan and say what comes to their minds. A Mastermind is a place to look at every angle with the benefit of diverse backgrounds and expertise behind you.

High-Value Feedback. This isn’t a group project in school where some people give their all and others are happy to coast. Masterminds are curated to ensure you receive instant high-value feedback from a group of engaged, passionate individuals.

Get More Info :  What is a Mastermind?

7 Morning Habits for Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

It’s the beginning of 2023 and therefore the perfect time to begin implementing as many good habits as possible! Many of the most successful people in the world share one thing in common, they all have morning routines. Here are some ideas for how to start the day off right and add fuel to the fire of your success!

Rise early at the same time each day. No hitting the snooze button, wake up and stay up! Entrepreneurs are a hardworking bunch and while consistent, quality sleep is essential, so is having waking hours to recuperate your mind and body. Waking up early is the perfect way to carve out those hours!

Avoid your phone. That’s right, AVOID IT. No laying in bed while checking your email or texting while you brush your teeth. The day is a blank canvas and you must start the day by priming it, not half-heartedly drawing in crayon! The morning should be a sacred routine that prepares you to be in optimum efficiency mode. Hold off on screen time until you are IN optimum efficiency mode.

Make your bed. After a long day of crushing it, isn’t it nice to come home to a neat and tidy bed ready for you to relax and unwind? Rest is essential, but so are developing physical habits that contribute to an orderly mind. Studies also show that those who report regularly making their bed in the morning are more likely to get a good night’s sleep!  

Eat a quality breakfast. No more power bars or to-go coffees sans food, find a way to get healthy calories in your body when you wake up. Oprah eats a berry-rich breakfast, Barack Obama eats a full breakfast complete with eggs and potatoes, and Reese Witherspoon has had the same green smoothie daily for over a decade. Figure out what is doable for your lifestyle and prioritize a healthy and satisfying kick start! 

Get More Info Click here : Women's Entrepreneur Conference 2023

How to Break Up With a Client

As entrepreneurs, you work hard to build a solid client base. But what happens when it’s time to break-up with a client? There are lots of reasons, sometimes it’s just not a match, sometimes there are shifts in priorities and time, other times people are just plain difficult. No matter the reason, breaking up with a client requires a certain amount of finesse and respect. Let’s take a look at the best way to handle a client break-up.

Be honest. Whatever the reason. For one thing, getting caught in a lie makes you and your business look very bad. Two, however uncomfortable the reasoning, it may be helpful for the client to know when working with your replacement.

Acknowledge the work you’ve done together. Don’t waste time playing the blame game. Acknowledge the work you’ve done together and openly appreciate the opportunities the client has given you. There are tons of entrepreneurs out there who want more clients, so never take yours for granted, even when a separation becomes necessary. 

Give notice. Don’t leave them hanging! It’s unprofessional and all around an uncool move. Put yourself in the client’s shoes and think about how much time you would want to find your replacement, then give them at least that much time. Remember, word of mouth is still incredibly powerful, and they are going to talk about you after your work with them is complete. 

Get More info :  How to Break Up With a Client

5 Checklist Tools to Help You Conquer Your To-Do List


There seems to be something that always needs to get done in the busy world of an entrepreneur, whether it is in your personal or professional life. The list of tasks seems never-ending, especially if you are not visualizing it by writing them down. One thing that can make your workdays a lot easier and more efficient is by making a to-do list. Thankfully, in today’s Digital Age, you do not have to use a pen and paper because there are new apps launching left and right to help.

It can be overwhelming to try them all out to find the perfect one for you, which is why we researched the best to-do list apps for entrepreneurs so you don’t have to. However your work process flows, one of these apps is sure to be the perfect fit.

But, before we dive into the apps, let’s talk about what makes a great to-do list app.

Every entrepreneur has different criteria when it comes to creating and managing to-do lists. Here are key features that make the best to-do list, and that we also included when choosing the apps we are about to share.

A great to-do list should:

  • Make it easy to add and organize tasks. It shouldn’t take you more than a few seconds to add a task and categorize it. With the exception of adding in more details within the task.

  • Remind you about the status of tasks. This is especially important for deadlines. You should receive a notification to your device or emails when something needs to be completed.

  • Have a user-friendly interface. Like any application, it should be easy to use so you can get back to completing the tasks.

  • Be accessible on multiple devices. Different applications will be accessible on different devices, but if you want the best app, be sure it can be used on your desktop and mobile platforms.

  • Offer various ways to manage tasks. It should allow you to categorize, create lists, projects, and due dates to be as efficient as possible. There are apps that offer more detailed features for your liking.

     Get More Info : 5 Checklist Tools to Help You Conquer Your To-Do List


Business Lessons From Our Favorite Halloween Movies

Spooky season is upon us! It’s time to carve your pumpkins, put out the candy bowl, and sip on apple cider! Once you’ve got your best costume on and settle in on the couch, it's time to learn some incredible business lessons from some of our favorite family-friendly Halloween flicks! 

Being an entrepreneur can be scary sometimes. Being the master of your own destiny and owning all the responsibility that comes with that? Intimidating! So, what can we learn from spooky season that will help us be better business women?

Ghostbusters - Marketing is everything. Who you gonna call? Let’s be honest, fictional or not, this was marketing genius. Not only did the Ghostbusters find their niche, they solidified their reputation with an unforgettable slogan that made them the leading name in ghostbusting. Think about your own marketing and whether or not it’s working for you. 

Edward Scissorhands – What makes you different just might be your key to your success. When a loving suburban entrepreneur finds a young man with scissors for hands, she brings him home and makes him part of the family. And while Edward is met with shock and awe from the people in the neighborhood, he also finds that he’s a phenomenally talented artist! The hands that make him something of an outcast are the same hands that turn him into a lucrative entrepreneur! Value what makes you different.

Beetlejuice- Read the handbook. Lots of aspects of life don’t come with a handbook, but there are resources around us every day to learn from and prepare us for the challenges we will face. For Barbara and Adam in Beetlejuice, it’s The Handbook for the Recently Deceased, for you as an entrepreneur it may be your favorite business book, or time you’ve invested in with a coach. Use the resources you have to plan and prepare for your success. You’ll always be better off for doing so.   

Get More Info :  Business Lessons From Our Favorite Halloween Movies

The Focused Entrepreneur

With so many balls in the air, it can be easy to drop them all when the unexpected nudges it’s way into your line of vision. It’s in the entrepreneur’s nature to multitask and wear several different hats at once. But when does too much multitasking hurt the quality of your work and your productivity? What happens when an email totally derails your day? How can you manage to stay on task?
DND is your friend. I know we all think that it’s laughable to turn off our phones, but we lived without them for thousands of years before the 90s made them ubiquitous and the noughties made them essential. But Do Not Disturb isn’t permanent. It’s okay to unplug long enough to get things done. And remember, you can still allow emergency contacts to reach you on this setting, so if you need your family to have access, no worries!
Turn off notifications!  Yes, social media is a necessity for business owners, there’s no denying that. But when push comes to shove, and you need to keep your eye on the prize. Turn off those notifications. On your phone, on your desktop, your tablet- turn them all OFF. Take advantage of those automatic responses and trust that any comments or messages will be there when you return. As long as you respond within 24 hours, you’re all good!  
Don’t be a slave to email.  Set designated times to check your email and stick to them. That doesn’t mean that you can’t utilize email between those times, it just means that you’re not responding to incoming emails outside of designated times. It’s so easy to say, “this will only take a minute”, but when you have an entrepreneurial level of emails in your inbox “this will only take a minute” can easily turn into hundreds of minutes. 
Get More Info : The Focused Entrepreneur

Why Entrepreneurs Should Pursue Speaking Opportunities in 2023


We know that entrepreneurs are chomping at the bit to get cracking on their 2023 goals.  One of the most common goals for entrepreneurs (and if it isn't on of yours, it should be!) is to book more speaking engagements.  I sat down with Executive Director of the eWomenSpeakersNetwork, Toni Caruso, to learn why.  

Nicole: Why is it important for entrepreneurs to pursue speaking opportunities?

Toni: As businesspeople we strive to be seen as an expert in our fields. We also want to be in front of potential clients to share our knowledge. What better way than to have a mic in your hand, stand on a stage in front of 20, 50 or even hundreds of ideal clients and share your message? Speaking has been shown to be the fastest way to build your business and your community. You will be seen as the “Expert & Authority” in your industry when you are in the front of the room.

Nicole: What should entrepreneurs who are just starting to speak have in their tool belt?

Toni: They need to understand who they are serving, why they are qualified to serve that audience and be able to share that message in a clear and concise way. Then get started on putting your Speaker One-Sheet together, having professional headshots taken, and get a really great 3-minute video of you speaking. Event planners have seconds to peruse you as a speaker when you apply, you need to catch their eye, show that you are professional, and that you are prepared to show up and knock it out of the park when you hit their stage. 

Get More Info Click Here :  Why Entrepreneurs Should Pursue Speaking Opportunities in 2023

SANDRA YANCEY, Founder & CEO  eWomenNetwork, Inc.

Sandra Yancey is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author, movie producer, and philanthropist who left her successful Fortune 500 corporate career to launch eWomenNetwork in 2000. With over 500,000 women business owners connected to her network, the company produces 1,000 events annually.

CNN has recognized Sandra as an American Hero because of her humanitarian outreach to others. Sandra is the preeminent women’s business expert leading women through the start-up, growth, and scaling phases of their business cycles.

The eWomenNetwork Team & Our New Year's Resolutions


NAME: Anne

TITLE: Executive Resource Manager

WHAT I DO AT EWN: I assist Sandra Yancey with special projects and events, requests for appointments, travel and speaking engagements. I also manage the process for the Femtor awards and the eWomenFoundation grants, Emerging Leaders and Business Matchmakers. 

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Movies, listening to live music, and spending time with family.

MY RESOLUTION(S) FOR 2023: Cook more meals at home and eat more veggies!


NAME: Briana Dai

TITLE: Creative Director & Co-Producer of Celebrity Science

WHAT I DO AT EWN: I get to collaborate with all the creatives on our team and provide overall direction for all the outward-facing elements of the eWomenNetwork brands like the blog, social media channels, event design, digital marketing campaigns, emails, you name it.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Home décor, party planning, and coloring with my toddler!

MY RESOLUTION(S) FOR 2023: I prefer to call them my “intentions” rather than my “resolutions,” so my top 3 intentions for 2023 are, 1) to find a method of exercise that I can enjoy, look forward to, and make a consistent habit of doing. We preach self-care as one of our values and I know moving my body is a critical component of that, so I want to really practice that component this year in a way that brings me joy and doesn’t feel like a chore. 2) I want to practice more mindfulness and meditation. As a woman who wears a lot of hats at work and home, this year I really want to improve on my abilities to stay grounded and set aside time to make that a regular practice rather than something I lean on only when overwhelm starts to creep in, as I tend to do (just keeping it real with yah). And 3) I really want to take eWomenNetwork to a whole other level this year. A biproduct of personal growth is that it pours into your professional growth as well and I have BIG ideas and BIG plans to roll out in 2023 that I know are going to be a game-changer for our community and I am excited to see them come to life and watch our mission to help 1 million women each achieve one million dollars in annual revenue materialize more rapidly and on a larger scale. Stay tuned!!

Get More Info :  The eWomenNetwork Team & Our New Year's Resolutions

More Event Info Click here : 4TH ANNUAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE 

Mastering First Impressions | Women Networking

First impressions are important. People make judgements about you in as little as 20 seconds. Studies have shown that first impressions, par...