Networking with High Performance Entrepreneurs

Networking with high performance entrepreneurs can be a game-changer for your career or business. High performance entrepreneurs have a wealth of experience, knowledge, and connections that can open up new opportunities for growth and success.

Here are some tips for networking with high performance entrepreneurs:

1.) Attend industry events: Industry events are a great way to meet high performance entrepreneurs who share your interests and passions. These events are usually attended by industry leaders and offer a chance to meet and network with like-minded people.

2.) Join professional associations: Professional associations provide a platform for networking with peers in your industry. They also offer training, education, and certification programs that can help you improve your skills and gain credibility.

3.) Utilize social media: Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can be powerful tools for networking with high worth entrepreneurs. Use these platforms to connect with industry leaders and engage with their content.

4.) Offer value: When networking with high performance entrepreneurs, it's important to offer value. This could be through sharing your own expertise, providing insights on industry trends, or offering to introduce them to your own network.

5.) Be genuine: Authenticity is key when networking with high performance entrepreneurs. Be yourself, be honest, and show a genuine interest in their work and accomplishments.

6.) Be brave: No matter where you’re at, it can be easy to suffer from imposter syndrome when you’re thrust into the spotlight with high performance entrepreneurs. Remember that you are uniquely you and don’t shy away from the opportunity to collaborate with high performance entrepreneurs when you’re feeling unsure of yourself. Make that move!

Get More Info : Success System for Women Entrepreneurs

The 20th Annual Entrepreneur Conference Expo Recap

Last week we celebrated our 20th Annual Entrepreneur Conference + Expo and it was ICONIC. We chose the name ICON because the Conference is awe-inspiring every year and our 20th anniversary was better than ever. The International Conference brings together such a diverse group of women entrepreneurs, who can inspire one another and help each other succeed. If you couldn’t make this year’s event, we’re here to fill you in on all the greatest moments.  

What is ICON?

ICON is the #1 women’s entrepreneur conference, of its kind, that is hosted annually in August. This networking event brings together some of the brightest and most accomplished achievers in a beautifully diverse, inspiring, and supportive environment. Our members that attend ICON are inspired, motivated, positive business owners and entrepreneurs who are here to help each other succeed. Here at eWomenNetwork, our mission is to help one million women entrepreneurs achieve one million dollars in annual revenue. Our International Conference is focused all on helping women launch, grow and scale their businesses with the exchange of ideas, best practices, tips, and strategies. 

Pre-Con Bonus Day Highlights

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

eWomenNetwork’s Creative Director, Briana Dai hosted the pre-con bonus day bringing great energy to our kickoff. In conversation with Briana, she talked about what we learned from the pandemic financially and how we can prepare for the next world event that changes our economy.

Michael & Jill Leonard, Founders of the Market Vibe, hosted a REEL Them In workshop on the ins and outs of creating and leveraging Instagram Reels. Getting anyone who attended eager to put themselves out in the digital world.

Kate Paine, CEO of Standing Out Online, gave a workshop on How to Leverage LinkedIn for the best success, complete with before and after shots of Kym and Sandra’s LinkedIn Pages.

Sam Horn, CEO of the Intrigue Agency and a bestselling author, hosted the “Claim It. Name It. Fame It.” workshop. Sam shared the do's and don'ts from bestselling authors she's worked with, along with insights from her own 9 books. As well as the hundreds of clients she's helped get published and turn their books into TEDx talks, paid speaking careers, virtual coaching, and lucrative online programs.

If you want to thrive in today's rapidly changing world, you can't just be an entrepreneur, you have to be a thought leader. Now is the time to invest in a more rewarding future by writing a quality book you'll always be proud of that scales your business success, keeps you relevant, and generates revenue for years to come.

eWN members Deborah Daniel and Robin Edgar hosted The Smart Money Talk where they discussed the oh-so dreaded topic of conversation, money.

And to end the night we had our Platinum Member Reception in the evening with our amazing sponsor, Maker’s Mark. Our members had a chance to drink, eat, and mingle!

Get More Info : Best women's networking organization

Related More Blog : Women Entrepreneur Podcasts

7 Tips For Achieving A Millionaire Mindset As An Entrepreneur

Your mindset is the most important factor in determining whether or not you will succeed in your life. In today’s day and age, it can be easy to lose sight of your goals and the life you envisioned for yourself, that’s why it’s critical to cultivate a “millionaire mindset”. Developing a millionaire mindset requires you to stretch your thinking. So, we’re sharing some of our favorite mindfulness tips to get you there.

Why is a millionaire mindset so important for entrepreneurs?

Many of the best entrepreneurs know exactly where they’re going, how they’re going to get there, and their why behind it all. Business owners that have a “millionaire mindset” have a “now” mentality, instead of procrastinating the very tasks that will get them where they want to. Knowing your “why” and being a “now” kind of person will push you in the right direction of achieving a millionaire mindset. Millionaire business owners have a very clear vision of the impact and legacy they are building.

1. Ask For Help When You Need It

You don’t have to know everything. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur waiting for the right tools to be handed to you before starting a project, you’re going to be waiting for a long time. You must move from this way of thinking into one that can start any project with the tools that are available at the moment. It is perfectly fine to be a work in progress. The more confidence you have, the more that will motivate you to take action which leads to more results, and expansion. 

2. Believe In Yourself

So many people are too timid to admit they want something and actually take the action to do it. You need to become more assertive and honest with yourself, but you also need to believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But, remember it is not your job to reinvent the wheel, you just need to identify the issue and work towards solving it. That’s why it’s so important to develop the millionaire mindset. Entrepreneurs with millionaire mindsets play to win, not to avoid defeat. 

3. Understand Failure Is Necessary For Success

It’s almost impossible to achieve anything if you don’t set any goals for yourself. By setting attainable goals, you can reach success more effectively, instead of as quickly as possible. Even failure reap benefits that will serve you in the future. Once you begin putting yourself out there to help others, you will see benefits and open a lot of doors for yourself.

Get more info : Women's Business Coaching In Dallas

Night Routine Habits For Entrepreneurs That Will Enhance The Day To Come

No matter what your goals are in the evening, it’s important to establish a good routine. Start out by implementing just one of these habits in your evening and casually add more in as you get more comfortable. Many entrepreneurs will notice a huge difference in their energy levels and productivity wherever they find a routine that works for them!

You can’t function correctly, and neither can your business if you are stressed or burnt out. Entrepreneurs are some of the bustiest people, and they often forget to take time for themselves, but for these nighttime activities, you don’t need a lot of time to get something out of them. Our Digital Advantage team has outlined 6 evening routines to help you get the most out of your time away from work.


There is one thing that most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs have in common - reading. Reading daily can help you gain new knowledge, reduce stress and improve your memory. Many successful entrepreneurs read before they go to bed, and there are so many different genres to choose from. Reading is like a mental workout for your mind, which can improve the long-term health of your brain. If you can’t handle reading a real book, maybe take that time to read a book to your kids instead, or listen to a podcast.

Stay Off Your Phone

According to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a sleep medicine at Harvard University, the screen light coming from your phone disrupts our body’s natural “internal clock” that recognizes and alerts us when we need to sleep. Those bright lights are causing those chemicals to not be released, creating more issues going and staying asleep. So, if you want a enjoys a good night’s rest, remember to stay off your phone for at least an hour before going to bed.

Take Time For Yourself

This phrase can mean many different things to people. Everyone needs a break from work to blow off steam and do something that they enjoy. It’s called “me-time” for a reason so do with it what you want. This could mean reading, writing, painting, taking a bath, or catching up on your favorite shows. No matter what you decide, do something that you enjoy, that helps give your mind a break, so you can come back to work with more energy and creativity. Make time for all the things you love doing and find ways to do them every night to help you unwind from work, so you do not feel as burnt out.

Get More Info : Night Routine Habits For Entrepreneurs That Will Enhance The Day To Come

Are You Productive or Just Busy?


You’re busy. You work hard. But are you productive? No, they’re not the same thing, and even if you are rocking your productivity game, there’s always room to improve! Let’s find out how:

Stop glamorizing multitasking. You may feel more productive when you’re juggling lots of tasks, but don’t let your brain fool you, it’s taking longer to get things done and studies have shown that focusing on more than one task at a time results in lower quality work. One thing at a time is the way to go if you’re looking to maximize your productivity.

Respect deadlines (even the ones you set for yourself). While it’s good to give yourself extensions when needed, if you do it too often it’s easy for deadlines to become arbitrary. And when deadlines become arbitrary, it’s time to admit it: you’ve become a certified procrastinator. Procrastination dressed up as multitasking is still procrastination, folks. RESPECT DEADLINES.

Set SMART goals. What are SMART goals you ask? Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based. Specific: You must have clarity! Measurable: Your goal needs to be trackable so you can see your progress! Attainable: Don’t set impossible goals! Relevant: Does your goal align with your short- and long-term objectives? Time-based: Set a realistic, ambitious end date! Shooting for the stars is admirable, but when it comes to your productivity, think through each letter.

The biggest tasks come FIRST. It may seem more attainable to knock out the little things first, but is it more productive or are you just making excuses for procrastination? Tackle those big things when your brain hasn’t been overworked from a million little things yet!

Read More About: SMART goals.

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4 Reasons Women Entrepreneurs Should Join Networking Organizations

As a woman entrepreneur, joining a networking organization can be one of the best decisions you make for your business. Networking organizations provide an excellent platform for entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another. If you’re on the fence about whether you should join a networking organization OR if you already know you’re ready to join and you’re looking for the best women’s networking organization, here are some things to consider:

A Supportive Community

Running a business can be challenging, especially for women who are trying to balance work, life, family, self-care, and beyond! Joining a networking organization provides access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can provide emotional and professional support. These communities offer a safe space where women can share their experiences, ask for advice, and find mentors to guide them as they lift each other up.


Networking organizations provide ample opportunities to collaborate with other entrepreneurs. Collaboration is an excellent way to build strong relationships, grow your network, and gain new perspectives. By joining a networking organization, you can meet other entrepreneurs who share your values and vision, and work together to create mutually beneficial partnerships. Never underestimate when a collaboration could lead to new clients!

Get More Info : 4 Reasons Women Entrepreneurs Should Join Networking Organizations

TV Lady Bosses We Love

In the age of red carpets and action figures, there are plenty of notable women we’re told to look up to as style icons, but what about BOSS ICONS? Women characters who not only break the mold of the one-dimensional women so often written by men, but women we aspire to emulate in the ways we negotiate conflict, manage staff, and mentor future generations. 

Here’s a look at some formidable women who’ve graced our televisions over the last decade, and what we can learn from their triumphs, challenges, and (in some cases) outright mistakes.  

Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

No job is beneath you. It’s important to own your power and expertise, but there’s also something to be said for staying humble. Even as a leader in her city, Leslie Knope makes her own copies, assembles her own binders, and spends a day as a sanitation worker to show women can do anything. We all have tasks we don’t like to do, but leaders worth following aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work themselves. Be the right amount of positive. We attract the energy we put out in the universe, furthermore we affect the energy and headspace of the people around us.  Whether it be employees, clients, or peers, it’s easy to forget that no matter how much we think we internalize our stress, it’s still floats in our orbit. No one has to be Mary Sunshine 100% of the time, but being aware of your energy goes a long way. Listen to the people you mentor as much as you talk to them. No matter how many decades of experience you have, there’s always more to learn.  Not only should you listen to your mentees to keep them on the right path, but fresh eyes and ideas are valuable! Even when those ideas are coming from someone with less experience, listen.

Olivia Pope, Scandal Olivia Pope was a Lawyer, Campaign Manager, White House Communications Director, and eventually an entrepreneur as head of Olivia Pope and Associates. Her terrible choices in relationships aside, there’s a lot more to unpack about her leadership style than her hankering for red wine and outstanding wardrobe color palettes. 

Take care of your people. It doesn’t get simpler than that.  Take care of your people and they’ll take care of you.  Olivia Pope assembled a team with a wide variety of skills and attributes, but one thing they all have in common, is that they have each other’s backs. The occasional squabble is bound to happen, but your team is always #1. It’s okay to admit defeat. Even Gladiators fail sometimes, but our failures don’t define us. Our response to it, however, speaks volumes. After every stumble, Olivia Pope stood back up every time.   

Get More Info : TV Lady Bosses We Love

How Our CEO Does Self-Care Pre-Conference


ICON 2022 is a magical time. But it’s also one heck of an undertaking here at eWomenNetwork. In the time leading up to conference the days are long and brains are bursting at the seams with all of the overflowing to do lists. The eWN community is filled with entrepreneurs who know that feeling well. For you, that time could be tax season, right before an important retreat, the holiday season, etc. It’s different for everyone! With such a busy community of successful entrepreneurs, we figured it’s the perfect time to share with you some of our CEO’s favorite self-care treatments to prep for ICON 2022.

Sandra Yancey recently spent the day at Beauti Science, a Dallas area Med Spa who will be part of our first ever Beauty Lounge at ICON 2022. They’ll be offering services at ICON and we are THRILLED to have them as a partner.

Here are some of Sandra’s favorites:

Botox. This magical little needle does more than just reduce signs of aging. Did you know it also has been proven to stop migraines, reduce excessive sweating, and reduce joint pain? And that’s just the beginning. But perhaps the most immediate benefit of botox is the years it takes off your face with no surgery needed. Everyone has different feelings about the aging process, the most important thing is that you feel good about yourself.

PRP Facial. Otherwise known as the “vampire facial”, the PRP Facial utilizes microneedling. Microneedling is a pain-free, non-invasive way to stimulate collagen production. In addition to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this treatment also helps with sun damage, rosacea, and has been known to shrink pores. A great service for people of all ages, this facial is a great way to give you a CEO glow.

Everyone practices self-care and beauty regimes differently. There’s no right or wrong way, but when you’re getting ready to network and show off your business, the best thing you can do is give yourself the gift of feeling good and relaxed. When you feel good about yourself inside and out, you can conquer the world!

Read More About: Top women’s networking groups.

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The Best Soft Perks to Attract & Retain Your Dream Team

Every entrepreneur is different. Some have staffs of twenty, others have a staff of two.  Some work exclusively with contractors, others have a mix of dedicated employees. 

How you create your team is all about what works for your specific needs and goals. But whether it be an assistant, graphic designer, or CPA, you want the right people on your team. And furthermore, you want them to stay on your team. High turnover and re-training are expensive time wasters.  If you want to grow your business, you need to focus on what only you can do and consider outsourcing the tasks that eat up your valuable time. 

So how do you attract and retain the right team?  The obvious answer is higher pay and great benefits. But what happens when the job you need to fill is essential, but not so essential that it’s worth tacking on extra zeros?  Or what if the position does call for an extra zero, but they’re so in demand that you must compete with more established businesses when bringing in quality talent? 

You don’t have to break the bank to be a desirable place to work.  As many employees begin to poke their heads out of their home offices in a (somewhat) post-pandemic world, studies are showing that soft perks are a deciding factor for many people. 

Here are some soft perks to keep in mind when looking to enhance the workplace for your current team or searching for new talent to bring in:  

Flexible Schedules

I know some people cringe when they see this but hear me out: not all jobs make sense to have a Monday-Friday/9-5 schedule.  Some do, but many don’t. If you’re clear on due dates and recurring required meetings, there are plenty of positions that can give you exactly what you need, while the employee reaps the benefits of a flexible schedule. 

Work From Home Options

If there’s anything that the last (nearly) two years have taught us, it’s that being in the office doesn’t always equate to productivity.  If you’re hesitant about going entirely remote, work from home Fridays are gaining popularity and are a nice break from commuting for employees, however infrequent.

Get More Info :  The Best Soft Perks to Attract & Retain Your Dream Team


How to Organize and Optimize Your Workspace

As Harvard Business Review explains, there are certain attributes that great workspaces have, such as privacy, appropriate acoustics, and the ability to accommodate technology. Your workspace is very important, and keeping it organized will help you succeed in your job. Here’s how you can make sure you have your workspace optimized so nothing inhibits you from reaching your fullest potential.

How Does A Workspace Impact Entrepreneurs?
For a typical adult, more than half their day is spent sitting, as many people have desk jobs. That’s why is so important to pay attention to the physical area that you work in because it has a significant impact on either enhancing or harming your productivity. 

Create Spaces for Dedicated Equipment and Accessories

For the items you use regularly, such as pens and other stationery, you want to set up an organized space for them on your desk that is within reach, but not in the way. Use a second monitor because it can better optimize your workload. However, in this day and age, workers spend about 10 hours a day looking at screens and all that blue light is not good for your eyes or sleep cycle, but blue-light-blocking glasses can help. Humans tend to enjoy order and organization, but if we have a messy workspace then we can get overstimulated. Investing in a storage system will make it easier to find everything you need, when you need it, which works wonders for efficiency and productivity in your workload. 

Declutter Your Workspace

 Living in clutter is more of a damper on your time and energy than you probably realize. Studies show that 49% of people have missed appointments or meetings due to trying to find a lost item. Try to carve some time of out your day to go through your things and figure out what is important enough to keep. It is crucial that you keep your workspace clean and organized, so you’re ready to start your day as soon as you get to your desk. With that in mind, it is very helpful if you tidy up your desk before you leave for the day. The more clutter you have on your desk, the harder it is to find what you need and can add additional stress to your workspace. When you begin to declutter your workspace, it will make a huge difference in helping to declutter your mind. Tidy desk, tidy mind!

Get More Info : female entrepreneurs atlanta

Related More Blog : entrepreneur blog

Why Being Overworked Isn't a Badge of Honor

When I Google “how many hours a week do entrepreneurs work?” my jaw drops, I shake my head, and I want to send a cozy blanket and a bottle of Goli’s Relax Restore Unwind gummies to every member of eWN, because OMG. You ladies work hard. 

Building a business from the ground up requires an astounding amount of patience, perseverance, and strategy.  And also hours.

Hours and hours and hours. 

The 40-hour work week was popularized by Henry Ford in 1926.  Some say that he was among the first to mandate this because the increases in productivity with overtime work were miniscule and temporary at that.  Others say that he wanted profits, and for profits he needed people to buy things, and for people to buy things they needed to have days off and be generally well-rested.  

But with only 24 hours in a day and big dreams, most entrepreneurs don’t do things the Henry Ford way. They do them the dream big way.  

Real Talk: for dreams to become reality, you must refill your cup at some point. That means catch up on sleep, take a breath, live your life, and replenish your creative well. Because whether you’re in a creative field or not, being an entrepreneur will always require creative strategy.

We’ve been taught that 10,000 hours of practice are necessary to become a master in your field. The reality is that too much all at once increases the likelihood you’ll burn yourself out. 

Get More Info : women's networking group

Related More Blog : entrepreneur blogs


The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Dedicated Social Media Team

The popularization of social media may be less than twenty years old, but it’s not going away any time soon, if anything, it’s only ramping up. Regardless of whether you personally use (or like) social media, the reality is that a good majority of people visit a company’s social media before they visit their website. That being the case, it’s hard to be seen as a credible business without a social media presence.

The decision then becomes whether you want to take full ownership of your social media, hire a consulting strategist, or hire a team that covers content creation, posting, engagement, and analysis. 

Anyone can post to social media, but as a business you want it to work for you.  Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if a designated social media team is right for you.

PRO: Content Creation

Sharing other people’s posts (while easy) is not enhancing your brand. To take full advantage of social media, you need original images, videos, reels, and more.  Creating that content takes time. If you’re managing all your own social media that’s a lot of time that could be spent growing your business using your area of expertise. Plus, if you’re not a visual graphics person, the content that a designated team creates is nearly always more pleasing to the eye.

CON: Losing Your Voice

Some people are passionate about engaging with customers directly in their own style and voice. You can certainly coach your social media team on this, but it’s not always the same.  If engaging directly is a major priority for you and you have the bandwidth to keep up with all your platforms (with the optimum frequency), then managing on your own may be the best choice. Just remember, you should be posting a minimum of 4-7 times a week on all your platforms.

Get More Info :  women's business network

eWN's Ultimate CEO Gift Guide


When you’re the boss, you’ve got a lot of people to shop for. Throughout the year we get closer and closer to the work family we’ve created for ourselves, and when the holidays roll around, we want to celebrate them and thank them appropriately. No matter what holiday your people celebrate, it’s still the perfect time of year to show them you care.

For the person who’s always at their desk: Sitting at our desks all day has a lot of unwanted side effects: tech neck, blue light overexposure, finger cramps. But mostly it’s just plain uncomfortable.  A memory foam seat cushion and lumbar pillow are the answer.  It’s a lot easier to be productive when you’re not in pain!

For the Work Traveler: The Dell Premier Wireless ANC Headset is a must.  Not only does it come in it's own case perfect for travel, it offers active noise cancellation, and a battery life of up to 15 hours. They're comfortable, easy to use, and BONUS: eWomenNetwork members are eligible for an exclusive discount on Dell products and they have a treasure trove of travel friendly tech goodies!  

For the Bookworm: Books can be a dicey gift.  Most people tend to give books they want the recipient to read as opposed to what the recipient wants to read. Even when you have a handle on their reading tastes, voracious readers go through books quickly, so the possibility of giving them something they already have is big. For the devoted bookworm, gift cards are the way to go.  Just be sure you know how and where they like to buy their books. Some people only order from Amazon, others have a favorite local bookstore they love to browse in for hours before buying. Everyone offers gift cards nowadays, so it can be quick and convenient regardless!

Get More Info :  eWN's Ultimate CEO Gift Guide

5 Tips to Grow Your Business on TikTok


TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media platforms with over 1 billion active users worldwide. People are spending hours a day falling down the TikTok rabbit hole and the time people spend there is actively having an impact on purchasing decisions. Studies show that users spend 14% more when TikTok is part of their decision. With its ability to reach a massive audience, it has become an excellent platform for businesses to build their brand and promote their products or services.

Here are five tips to help you build your business on TikTok:

Know your audience.

The first step to building your business on TikTok is knowing your target audience. Take some time to fall down the TikTok rabbit hole yourself and check out what’s doing well! Make sure you understand what type of content resonates with your audience and tailor your content accordingly.

Be authentic.

TikTok is all about being authentic and showing your unique personality. Don’t try to create content that isn’t true to your brand. Instead, focus on creating content that shows the human side of our business. This could be behind-the-scenes footage or showcasing company culture. Authenticity builds trust with your audience which is essential for building a successful business on TikTok.

Consistency is key.

Consistency is crucial to growing your TikTok audience. Posting regularly and consistently will help you build a loyal following and keep your audience engaged. Develop a content calendar and plan out your posts in advance. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re providing your audience with fresh and exciting content. 

Read More A bout: Women in business networking.

PLATINUM Summit 2022

The 9th Annual PLATINUM Summit took place at the Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach, CA. It was an event to remember. Let's hear what people are saying!

"OMG. All I can say about my first PLATINUM Summit is "WHY WAS THIS MY FIRST PLATINUM SUMMIT?" Sandra has been speaking on behalf of women entrepreneurs before it was the IT THING. This community is everything to a woman entrepreneur or a woman looking to become an entrepreneur. Not only is she a master at connecting and growing a business, she has surrounded herself with like-minded women. The support I received at my first summit was more than I could have ever imagined. Not only did I get ideas on my current business, I now have jumped into another project and invested in another business. I got back four days ago. My outlook changed my first day back at the office, I was lighter, more focused and more goal oriented than I have been in a long time. I am honored to be a PLATINUM member and be a part of this brilliant community." 

-Amanda Rawls

"Sandra pours into us so much and she always comes up with new content that is timely and useable!! Plus the sisterhood of the feel so welcome and so loved! It amazes me how everyone wants to lift others around them to new heights!" – Tami McDonald

"This Platinum experience in 2022 was my favorite eWomenNetwork event to date! The heartfelt connections of like-minded individuals offered a space of belonging and growth." – Christina Dyer

"Attending a Platinum conference is unlike any other conference I've ever attended. The access to Sandra, Kym and Briana - and their brilliance - is the energy and inspiration I need. And when I get home, with my lists of ideas, the thing that always stands out are the people I had connected with, and the creativity that is sparked by being in the room of such awesome, inspiring women." – Donna Galassi

Get More Info :   PLATINUM Summit 2022


5 Tips to Increase Networking in Your Business


The pros of building your business network are easy to see: strengthen your connections, build new relationships, get fresh ideas, raise your profile, gain access to new leads, the list goes on. But networking without a strategy doesn’t get you those results. If you’re not careful, networking without a strategy can easily become nothing more than brunch with business cards. So, how do you make the most of your networking opportunities?  

Have a goal

What are you hoping to achieve by networking? The possibilities are vast: increased sales, new employees, mastermind opportunities, mentorship opportunities, new leads- really think about what networking can do for you and pick your top three priorities. Visualize those priorities before each networking opportunity so you have them in mind while making connections.  

Be visible.

As an entrepreneur who’s decided to embrace the power of networking, this means you become the face of your company. Be visible everywhere it counts. This doesn’t just mean at events, this means on your company website, social media, traditional media and more. When you make those connections, you want to be visible and searchable, so they see you’re legit. 

 Get More Info : 5 Tips to Increase Networking in Your Business

7 Women Entrepreneurs Who Made History


It’s Women’s History Month! So, we figured it’s the perfect time to take a look at some of the most influential women entrepreneurs who changed the world and left a lasting legacy inspiring millions more women entrepreneurs for years to come.

Elizabeth Arden

In the early 1900s, a woman named Florence Nightingale Graham moved to New York City. The world would come to know her as Elizabeth Arden. After working as a bookkeeper for a pharmaceuticals company and spending hours in their lab studying skincare, she opened the Red Door salon at the age of 29 which spawned many more iconic locations and a line of successful products. After Arden’s passing in 1966, the company sold for $38 million dollars. 

Sara Blakely

Sara Blakely was working as a door-to-door Saleswoman in Florida when she got the idea for Spanx. After spending hours in the Florida sun in panty hose, she knew she could do better. While there was extensive trial and error with R&D and making connections in North Carolina, Spanx officially launched in 2000. Since then, Sara has experienced a meteoric rise and sold the stake majority in 2021 staying on as the Executive Chairwoman. The company was then valued at 1.2 billion. To celebrate the milestone, Blakely gave each of her employees $10,000 and two first class plane tickets anywhere in the world.

Clara Brown

A former enslaved woman born in 1800, Clara Brown gained her freedom at the age of 56. She settled in Colorado where she worked a variety of jobs. She made multiple real estate investments accumulating a good-sized fortune. For the remainder of her life, she used her money for good, founding a Sunday school, reuniting former slaves with their families, and helping them relocate to Colorado.

Get More Info :  7 Women Entrepreneurs Who Made History

The Top 10 Branding Mistakes Small Businesses Make


Branding is exciting. There’s no way around it. You know your business better than anyone, and your brand is the creative manifestation of your business. What would Nike be without the swoosh? What would Disney be without the iconic swirling type font? What would Tiffany & Co. be without Tiffany blue? You know you’re doing something right when your brand basically owns a color. 

Let’s look at the most common branding mistakes small business make and how you can avoid (or even fix) them!

Starting without a plan

We’ve all been there. The inspiration hits us fast and we are so ready to get moving on our genius that we don’t slow down and take the proper steps. It’s like trying to put together a new piece of furniture when you haven’t bothered to open the directions. No matter how excited you are to get moving, start with strategy. Always.

Branding vs. Marketing — do you know the difference?

A lot of people think they know the difference, and it’s possible they do, but when it comes to their own brand, you wouldn’t know it. Branding is defining your message, your look, design, feel. Marketing is how you get that message out there. Before you start marketing, give your brand the gift of a solid foundation and show it some well thought out love.

Doing everything a la carte

Budgets are a reality, and its understandable why entrepreneurs just starting out may want to spread out logo design, photoshoots, website creation, etc. If that reality must become your reality, then you need a plan to ensure cohesion. If an all-inclusive branding package isn’t in your budget, consider sticking with one team and spreading the work out on your own timeline to ensure the brand feels aligned and complete.

Read More About: Business networking group for women entrepreneurs

The Thankful Entrepreneur


Intentional gratitude practice does wonders for the soul, but also for your business plan.  We attract the energy we put out. When we’re internally in the mode of “me, me, me” people can tell whether we open our mouths to say it or not. Gratitude is as much about being thankful for what you have as it is a commitment to improving the lives of others. With the leaves changing and turkey in the oven, there’s no better time to reflect on the things we’re thankful for and ways that gratitude can grow your business. 

Create a gratitude culture. It’s right there in eWN’s values. “Giving first, sharing always”. Creating a culture of gratitude within your organization starts at the top. Leading by example and doing it daily (even when things get rough) is paramount to creating a culture of gratitude. Recognize good work and say thank you.

Write thank you notes. When most of the world is a slave to email, handwritten thank you cards sent through the post, stand out. If you just had a meeting with a potential client, send a thank you card.  If you receive a referral from an existing client, send a thank you card. If it’s not already a regular habit for you, it might feel like overkill, but it’s not.  People remember when you go the extra mile. And who doesn’t love receiving mail that’s not a bill?

Make connections. Not just for you, for your customers too.  We all want glowing referrals, show your clients that you prioritize their success as well as your own by sending those referrals their way. Connecting your customers builds strength and trust in your network. Being the one to give referrals cements your place as a leader in your industry and in your community. 

Acknowledge the milestones. Birthdays, weddings, babies, graduations, if you know about them acknowledge them!  Clients, employees, contractors, acknowledge them all. Send every client, employee, and contractor a birthday card.  Not an email, a physical card. Yes, it can be a lot to keep up with, but when growing your business, it’s important to take a beat and remember that everyone in your network is not just a client, employee, potential sale, etc.  They are people with full lives and major priorities that may have nothing to do with business at all.

Get More Info :  The Thankful Entrepreneur

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7 Women Entrepreneurs Who Made History


It’s Women’s History Month! So, we figured it’s the perfect time to take a look at some of the most influential women entrepreneurs who changed the world and left a lasting legacy inspiring millions more women entrepreneurs for years to come.

Elizabeth Arden

In the early 1900s, a woman named Florence Nightingale Graham moved to New York City. The world would come to know her as Elizabeth Arden. After working as a bookkeeper for a pharmaceuticals company and spending hours in their lab studying skincare, she opened the Red Door salon at the age of 29 which spawned many more iconic locations and a line of successful products. After Arden’s passing in 1966, the company sold for $38 million dollars.

Sara Blakely

Sara Blakely was working as a door-to-door Saleswoman in Florida when she got the idea for Spanx. After spending hours in the Florida sun in panty hose, she knew she could do better. While there was extensive trial and error with R&D and making connections in North Carolina, Spanx officially launched in 2000. Since then, Sara has experienced a meteoric rise and sold the stake majority in 2021 staying on as the Executive Chairwoman. The company was then valued at 1.2 billion. To celebrate the milestone, Blakely gave each of her employees $10,000 and two first class plane tickets anywhere in the world.

Clara Brown

A former enslaved woman born in 1800, Clara Brown gained her freedom at the age of 56. She settled in Colorado where she worked a variety of jobs. She made multiple real estate investments accumulating a good-sized fortune. For the remainder of her life, she used her money for good, founding a Sunday school, reuniting former slaves with their families, and helping them relocate to Colorado.

Read More About: Business Networking for Entrepreneur Women.

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...