The Business Women of Rom-Coms

It’s that time of year! The time where couples pair off in dimly lit five-star restaurants to celebrate their love, or (in more cynical cases) try to revive it with a good cut of steak and false promises. Just kidding (mostly). It IS however the time of year I personally enjoy watching delightful romantic comedies while I wait for Reese’s Hearts to go on sale February 15th.  

Saccharine reputations of Rom-Coms aside, they have a long and proud history of featuring professional women and entrepreneurs balancing life and love as they navigate their careers. If you look closely between the tropes, the abs, and heels so high most normal people would fall on their face, rom-cons are filled with valuable lessons to apply to both life and business.    

In the days of dial-up and AOL, Kathleen Kelly (aka: Meg Ryan) owns a children’s bookstore on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, when out of nowhere a huge chain, Fox Books, builds its new edifice around the corner. With comfy chairs and deep discounts, the small indie bookstore struggles to keep up with the literary behemoth. Her delightful email romance with industry magnate Joe Fox (played by Tom Hanks) aside, Kathleen Kelly teaches us never go down without a fight. Though it’s worth mentioning that she spent a little too long in the beginning in a state of denial about how Fox Books would impact her business. Time is of the essence, keep your eyes open and don’t let a can-do attitude gloss over very real business challenges.  

Get more Info : The Business Women of Rom-Coms

7 Ways to Adopt a CEO Mindset


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Visualize your success.

Focus on the endgame.

There are a million mantras out there for both established CEOs and budding CEOs. But to be a successful CEO, you need more than a mantra, you need a mindset. A CEO mindset isn’t about the size of your paycheck or even the size of your dreams, it’s how you handle the day to day. Let’s get real here, how confident are you that you have a CEO mindset?

Here are some CEO mindsets to consider:

The big picture vs. the details. As a CEO, you can’t stick to one or the other, you must be in harmony with both. It’s a balancing act. When you’re at the top, you must see the whole painting clearly without losing sight of the brushstrokes.

Accept that you don’t know it all. If you’re a CEO, you know your stuff, but it’s important to remember you don’t know all the stuff. Once you think you know everything, you have no where to grow which means your business has nowhere to grow.

Making money versus making profit. Making money and making profit, aren’t the same. Knowing your baseline numbers is an absolute necessity. If you don’t know your profit margins or aren’t making your profit margins, you need a money person to partner with.

Read More About: Dallas Women Entrepreneur Network.

6 Easy Tips to Improve Social Media Performance for your Business


Most of the advice surrounding social media for business owners tends to look pretty similar. They look similar because the skeleton of the strategy is solid and accurate.

Create a strategy. Create engaging content. Review metrics to gauge performance.

All of this is correct, but it can sound daunting depending on where you’re at in your social media journey. Here are a few EASY tips for business owners to implement in their social media strategy no matter how advanced OR new to the scene.

Be selective in your selling. Every post shouldn’t be about selling. It’s SOCIAL media, not SELLING media. People come to social media to engage with others and enjoy themselves. If every post you’re sharing is something “salesy”, people are less likely to follow and engage. Share a little bit of who you are. Share free tips. Post pictures of your adorable pets! For everyone one selling post, try for two non-selling posts.

Use captions. A huge percentage of people watch videos on social media with the sound off. Bummer, I know. The good news is that a lot of social media platforms allow for captions (aka: subtitles)! Studies show that regardless of one’s hearing abilities, videos with captions perform better than those without, so take advantage of Tik Tok’s great caption software and increase those views!

Read More About: Success-minded entrepreneurs women

Mastering First Impressions

First impressions are important. People make judgements about you in as little as 20 seconds. Studies have shown that first impressions, particularly in person are dominated by gut feelings. Some traits we can control (handshake, smile, eye contact, etc.) and others we cannot. But what about after those 20 seconds are up? After all, networking events are longer than 20 seconds and there are lots of opportunities to meet new people. What happens when you need to cement your good impression and build on the simple things? Here are some tips to make an A+ first impression. 

Put down your phone.  We get it. You’re at an event, you meet new people, you want to check in, tag, take selfies, and show the world you’re a boss lady! But be strategic when capturing that content! Living in the moment is important, and when making connections for real and not just for show, you want to be authentic. If you're all about your phone, it may look like you're all about you and the people you meet may get the impression you're not interested in a meaningful connection.  Capture the social content you need and save to your phone to be posted later.  That way you can be present for the people you are meeting AND be thoughtful in what you're posting after the event to give the event organizers well-deserved public kudos! 

Listen more than you talk.  When diving into networking it can be easy to think “what’s in it for me?” Try to shake off that mentality and reframe your thinking to be “what’s in it for us?” People can tell when you’re waiting for your turn to speak and not truly listening. A good listener is a good contact to have, be that person for the people you meet, and they’ll be more likely to be that person for you. 

Get More Info :  Mastering First Impressions

The Foundations of Social Media for Business Owners


Social Media is here to stay, and the reality is that a social media presence is no longer optional for businesses, it’s mandatory. Consumers are now more likely to visit a business’s Facebook page before visiting their website, and if you’re not in the game, you’ll be seen as (at best) behind the times, or (at worst) illegitimate. The good news is that there are tons of social media courses and seminars to familiarize you with how to leverage your social media presence. But depending on when you hopped on the social media train (or how long you’ve avoided it), even the learning tools can be intimidating if you don’t know the basics. You can’t learn to read without learning your ABCs, so if you’re someone who has previously listened to experts on social media strategy, but found yourself saying “Wait, what is a reel? What is a hashtag? Why are their different kinds of pages?” We’re hear to help. Here are the ABCs of social media:

Let's take a look at the most common platforms: 

Demographics: With 2.89 billion users, Facebook is the largest Social Media platform on the planet. Ages 25-34 make up the largest demo on social media across the board and Facebook is no different. While the 65+ demo is technically the smallest on Facebook, Facebook is still the #1 used platform for people ages 40 and up. 

Content to Expect: While stories and reels are features of Facebook, the majority of Facebook activity comes from scrolling, which means posts will generally have a combination of copy, graphics, and video. While video content is king across most platforms (including Facebook) it’s important to note that Facebook captions are more read than captions across other platforms, so throwing up great graphics without well thought out copy isn’t the way to go.  

Tips and tricks: Treat your personal page and business page completely separate. Facebook offers free analytics for business pages, so you can see what your reach is. Groups are specific to Facebook and are a great way to form a private community around a webinar, event, etc.

Get More Info :  The Foundations of Social Media for Business Owners

The Entrepreneur Playlist for 2023


Being an entrepreneur at any stage can feel like a lonely gig. Whether it be a day that makes you want to yank your hair out or shout at the sky in triumph, sometimes you need a little mood music to keep things positive, moving, and (let’s be honest) downright cinematic.

The Champion by Carrie Underwood

Favorite lyrics for entrepreneurs:

I am invincible, unbreakable

Unstoppable, unshakeable

They knock me down, I get up again

I am the champion, you’re gon’ know my name

You can’t hurt me now, I can’t feel the pain

I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win

I am the champion.

Roar by Katy Perry

Favorite lyrics for entrepreneurs:

Now I’m floatin’ like a butterfly

Stinging like a bee, I earned my stripes

I went from zero, to my own hero

Read More About: Top women’s networking groups

The Importance of Trademarks for Entrepreneurs


Andrei Mincov, Founder and CEO of Trademark Factory started his career in intellectual property because of his father. Even though Andrei had just started law school, he never actually saw himself as a lawyer. But then one day his father (a famous composer) heard his music on the radio. They took a song that Andrei and his father used to sing together in concert and made it into an ad for Samsung without his knowledge or consent. When Andrei’s father called up the radio station to say they couldn’t use his song without his permission or without paying him, they essentially told him to sit down, shut up, and be grateful they were making him more famous. 

This was not the right thing to say to Mr. Mincov. 

The year was 1996 and Russia had just switched from soviet copyright law to free-market copyright law, and in Russia, you didn’t need to be a licensed attorney to take someone to court. So as a law student, Andrei Mincov took the case all the way to the second highest court in the nation and won.  

In doing so, a passion to protect people and the intellectual property that only exists because they created it was born. Andrei Mincov now lives in Vancouver, Canada and is the founder and CEO of Trademark Factory International. 

N: Why is Trademarking important? 

A: Trademarking is the only way to legally own and protect the brand you are trying to build for your business. Nothing else works. Incorporation doesn’t work. Building an LLC doesn’t work. Getting a domain name doesn’t work. Being in business for 10 years doesn’t work. Those things are useful for your business, but when it comes to you being able to legally stop others from using your brand to compete with you, or even to drive you out of your own brand, the only thing that works is a federally registered trademark. By the time you become big and successful, someone will have trademarked your brand, it may as well be you.  

Get more info : The Importance of Trademarks for Entrepreneurs


Are You Productive or Just Busy?


You’re busy. You work hard. But are you productive? No, they’re not the same thing, and even if you are rocking your productivity game, there’s always room to improve! Let’s find out how:

Stop glamorizing multitasking. You may feel more productive when you’re juggling lots of tasks, but don’t let your brain fool you, it’s taking longer to get things done and studies have shown that focusing on more than one task at a time results in lower quality work. One thing at a time is the way to go if you’re looking to maximize your productivity.

Respect deadlines (even the ones you set for yourself).  While it’s good to give yourself extensions when needed, if you do it too often it’s easy for deadlines to become arbitrary. And when deadlines become arbitrary, it’s time to admit it: you’ve become a certified procrastinator. Procrastination dressed up as multitasking is still procrastination, folks. RESPECT DEADLINES.

Set SMART goals.  What are SMART goals you ask? Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based. Specific: You must have clarity! Measurable: Your goal needs to be trackable so you can see your progress! Attainable: Don’t set impossible goals! Relevant: Does your goal align with your short- and long-term objectives? Time-based: Set a realistic, ambitious end date! Shooting for the stars is admirable, but when it comes to your productivity, think through each letter.

The biggest tasks come FIRST. It may seem more attainable to knock out the little things first, but is it more productive or are you just making excuses for procrastination? Tackle those big things when your brain hasn’t been overworked from a million little things yet!

Make meetings work for you. The first question you must ask yourself: is this meeting necessary? There are a lot of memes about whether a meeting could’ve been an email, and those memes exist for a reason. Once you decide a meeting is essential, begin each meeting by clarifying the purpose and intent of the meeting. Upon conclusion, review the actionable items each attendee will complete as a result of the meeting. 

Get More Info :  Are You Productive or Just Busy?

The Entrepreneur Playlist for 2023 | women entrepreneur blogs

Being an entrepreneur at any stage can feel like a lonely gig. Whether it be a day that makes you want to yank your hair out or shout at the sky in triumph, sometimes you need a little mood music to keep things positive, moving, and (let’s be honest) downright cinematic.

The Champion by Carrie Underwood

Favorite lyrics for entrepreneurs:

I am invincible, unbreakable

Unstoppable, unshakeable

They knock me down, I get up again

I am the champion, you're gon' know my name

You can't hurt me now, I can't feel the pain

I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win

I am the champion.


Roar by Katy Perry

Favorite lyrics for entrepreneurs:

Now I'm floatin' like a butterfly

Stinging like a bee, I earned my stripes

I went from zero, to my own hero

Get more info :  The Entrepreneur Playlist for 2023 | women entrepreneur blogs

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Sandra's Favorite Things | female entrepreneurs atlanta


You’ve probably heard all about influencers. If you’re anything like my mother, you might think influencers are people who get famous and make money for doing nothing. 

My mother, however, couldn’t be more wrong (no one tell her I said that, please). 

Influencers are here to stay and luckily for entrepreneurs, they provide a creative and affordable way to get new eyes on your business. 

There are four types of influencers: Nano-Influencers (Audience under 5K), Micro-Influencers (Audience range 5K-100K), Macro-Influencers (100K+ Audience), and Mega-Influencers (1M+, generally celebrities). 

We’re focusing on micro-influencers for four reasons:

Micro-Influencers tend to be more affordable than Macro and Mega-Influencers.

Micro-Influencers are often viewed as more relatable and have cultivated trust with their audience.

Micro-Influencers have higher engagement, so when a Micro-Influencer is talking about what you sell, it’s more than an ad: there’s a conversation happening.

Because their audiences are smaller, their demographics tend to be more targeted and less broad which can especially help entrepreneurs who offer more niche services.

What can you expect to pay when working with a micro-influencer? 

Just like anything in business, it’s a conversation and a negotiation. First things first: you’re going to have to pay something. While in-kind/gifting partnerships are possible,

Get More Info : Sandra's Favorite Things | female entrepreneurs atlanta

The Importance of Email Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Keap has helped thousands of small businesses flourish since it's founding in 2001. Their commitment and devotion to the success of small businesses has garnered them a reputation as one of the most trusted resources for entrepreneurs. Here to talk to us about the importance of email marketing for entrepreneurs is Darin Adams of Keap. 

N: Why is email marketing important to entrepreneurs? 

D: I was just in a group yesterday and someone was like “You know, I need to hire a virtual assistant because I just can’t keep up with everything.” And I believe in virtual assistants, virtual assistants are great! But the whole point is you should never do something manually that you can set up a system to do. If you can set it up so it happens in automation, do it. The problem with solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs, and the small business owner is you’re wearing four thousand different hats! And it’s extremely difficult to stay on top of everything, that’s why you set up automation to make that happen so that you don’t have to worry about it. The stuff you’ve set up once will happen and run forever. 

N: What would you say to the people who think they don’t need email marketing because their social media presence is so strong?  

D: Followers and likes do not pay your power bills. A while ago Facebook was down for the better part of a day and people panicked because all of a sudden, they realized “I have absolutely no control”, Facebook could go away at any time. Instagram could go away at any time.You use Facebook or Instagram or whatever your preferred platform is as a tool to get people into your database. If you put out a post of Facebook or Instagram or whatever there’s no guarantee anyone’s going to see that. If you have them in your database and you own the relationship, they’re part of your tribe, they’re part of your community and you can communicate with them. You cannot own that relationship if they only know you through social media. I’m all for social media, social media is fantastic, it’s your big billboard, it’s how you say, “come be a part of this”, but you’ve got to get people in your database, because once they’re in your database, now you can nurture them and take care of them. And you do that through email marketing.

N: What would you say to those entrepreneurs who want that direct contact but are concerned email marketing is oversaturated because people sign up for too many lists? Do people even open emails anymore?  

D: It’s true, there are a lot of emails that go out. I get hundreds of emails everyday, I’m not saying I read all of them. Do you know what the most important factor is in helping them decide if they’re gonna open or delete that email? It’s not your subject line, it’s not the time of day, it’s not the day of the week, it’s not none of that stuff. It is your name and your reputation. It’s the relationship that you build. If I get an email from Sandra Yancey, I open that! I have a relationship, I like that relationship, and I want to open that. I’m looking forward to getting that stuff. If I get an email from somebody who emails me once a quarter and I don’t know who they are, and I don’t know what they’re talking about, I’m gonna delete that. You use email to build the relationship. That’s how people will open the emails, when they see YOUR NAME and if you have a reputation for sending quality content. Some people think “I don’t want to overwhelm people, so I’m going to send fewer emails”, which is the exact opposite of what you should do. By sending fewer emails, you distance yourself even more from people and then when they do get an email from you once a month or once a quarter, they’re like “I don’t know who this person is”. So, the key is to build the relationship, and to foster that relationship, and actually send more emails, but send GOOD CONTENT in the emails. Don’t send “spammy” stuff in your emails. Email marketing is not there for you to spam people, it is there for you to build relationships with people. 

Get More Info : The Importance of Email Marketing for Entrepreneurs


Strategic Online Business Introductions


We want to learn about you and your business — Please join us!

Here’s your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

  • Meet potential new client
  • Share what your business offers
  • Discover needed resources
  • Obtain support and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle” process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group.

Read More About: entrepreneur networking events

7 Office Accessories That Will Enhance Your Aesthetic AND Productivity


Desk Lamps

It may sound like a simple suggestion, but not only does lighting help us see, lighting really does change the way we feel about the space we’re in. So much so, that some wedding planners are suggesting clients forgo large flower displays in lieu of professional lighting! If people are planning weddings without flowers in favor of lighting, it may be time to give your workspace an ambiance upgrade.

Laptop Extenders

When the world shut down in early 2020, so many of us missed our dual monitors! And while some people have the luxury of duplicating their office set up at home, what about when you’re on the go? So many times, a single laptop screen just isn’t enough for busy entrepreneurial to-do lists! That’s why a few companies have now released Laptop extenders, turning your laptop into two, even three screens anywhere on demand!

A Cozy Blanket

For the entrepreneur that can’t control the weather (so you know, all of us), a cozy blanket is a great addition to any office either at home or outside of it. We’re more productive when we’re comfortable, so let’s bundle up. Plus, as an added bonus, lightly weighted blankets are said to reduce anxiety.

Read More About: Growth strategies for successful business owners

How to Run a Successful Business as an Introvert

There’s always been lots of talk about the pros and cons of extroverts versus introverts. The stereotype often paints extroverts as the gregarious go-getters and introverts as the quiet wallflowers.  


Introverts have a unique set of special superpowers; it’s no coincidence that some of the most famous entrepreneurs and inventors in history were (and are) introverts.  

Embrace the power of one-on-one communication. Contrary to popular belief, being introverted doesn’t mean you’re not a people person, it means you excel in small group and one on one situations. Introverts tend to be better listeners and have a great affinity for empathy. Embrace those opportunities for one-on-one interactions and small groups to really shine.  

Consider an extroverted business partner. Life is all about balance; work, life, and everything in between. This isn’t about finding someone who makes up for perceived shortcomings, it’s about finding the yin to your yang so you can both lean into your strengths and increase your chances for success!

Take time to recharge. Introverts need to take care in managing their energy. Introverts are known to be outstanding listeners with a knack for empathy. This means they are excellent networkers but must prioritize mental recharging to ensure they’re able to take full advantage of their skills.   

Get More Info : How to Run a Successful Business as an Introvert

The Top 10 Branding Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Branding is exciting. There's no way around it. You know your business better than anyone, and your brand is the creative manifestation of your business. What would Nike be without the swoosh? What would Disney be without the iconic swirling type font? What would Tiffany & Co. be without Tiffany blue? You know you're doing something right when your brand basically owns a color. It's easy to stand up and give thunderous applause to the biggest brands in the world for what they're doing right. But every brand starts at the beginning of the race and it's easy to make mistakes in the midst of all that excitement. 
Let's look at the most common branding mistakes small business make and how you can avoid (or even fix) them!
Starting without a plan
We’ve all been there. The inspiration hits us fast and we are so ready to get moving on our genius that we don’t slow down and take the proper steps. It’s like trying to put together a new piece of furniture when you haven’t bothered to open the directions. No matter how excited you are to get moving, start with strategy. Always. 
Branding vs. Marketing – do you know the difference?
A lot of people think they know the difference, and it’s possible they do, but when it comes to their own brand, you wouldn’t know it. Branding is defining your message, your look, design, feel. Marketing is how you get that message out there. Before you start marketing, give your brand the gift of a solid foundation and show it some well thought out love. 
Doing everything a la carte
Budgets are a reality, and its understandable why entrepreneurs just starting out may want to spread out logo design, photoshoots, website creation, etc. If that reality must become your reality, then you need a plan to ensure cohesion. If an all-inclusive branding package isn’t in your budget, consider sticking with one team and spreading the work out on your own timeline to ensure the brand feels aligned and complete.

7 Office Accessories That Will Enhance Your Aesthetic AND Productivity

Spring is just around the corner, and it’s time for blooming! And while Miley Cyrus has been telling us for weeks now that we can buy our own flowers, it takes more than flowers to have a beautiful and productive office set up. Here are some of our favorite items to make your workplace gorgeous and optimized!

Desk Lamps

It may sound like a simple suggestion, but not only does lighting help us see, lighting really does change the way we feel about the space we’re in. So much so, that some wedding planners are suggesting clients forgo large flower displays in lieu of professional lighting! If people are planning weddings without flowers in favor of lighting, it may be time to give your workspace an ambiance upgrade. 

Laptop Extenders

When the world shut down in early 2020, so many of us missed our dual monitors! And while some people have the luxury of duplicating their office set up at home, what about when you’re on the go? So many times, a single laptop screen just isn’t enough for busy entrepreneurial to-do lists! That’s why a few companies have now released Laptop extenders, turning your laptop into two, even three screens anywhere on demand! 

A Cozy Blanket

For the entrepreneur that can’t control the weather (so you know, all of us), a cozy blanket is a great addition to any office either at home or outside of it. We’re more productive when we’re comfortable, so let’s bundle up. Plus, as an added bonus, lightly weighted blankets are said to reduce anxiety. 

Get More Info : 7 Office Accessories That Will Enhance Your Aesthetic AND Productivity

Our Favorite Quotes From Sandra Yancey

We’ve talked a lot about the benefits of entrepreneurs writing and publishing books. We’ve covered the pros and cons of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing and covered what you need to do in self-publishing to increase your chances of bookstore placement. But if you’ve been reading along wondering “I get it, but how do I do it the traditional way?” Here are your first steps towards traditional publishing.

STEP ONE: Have something to present. 

What you’re presenting, must be high-quality. And when I say high-quality, I don’t mean good, but you expect someone else to clean it up and package it for you. I mean something that (as far as you can see) is absolutely perfect. Obviously, that means pristine spelling and punctuation, but it also means quality content that make people want to read your book. Not just your friends and family, but people who’ve never met you. Strangers would read the blurb on the back and say “OMG. I need this in my life.” That takes time. Don’t get so excited about the publishing journey that you rush this step. 

But perhaps before you dive in to create your content, you need to get really clear on WHAT you need to present. Because depending on the type of book you’re writing, what you’ll be required to submit will be very different.  

Fiction: You write the whole book. It’s not the first thing you’ll present, but the manuscript must be complete and ready to submit before you even think of moving to the next step.  

Memoir: For the most part, it’s same as fiction, you must have a completed manuscript. Occasionally publishers will go the book proposal route, but more often than not, a completed manuscript is expected. Remember, your manuscript must have a hook that makes you stand out. The market is flooded with rags to riches stories, stories of life-threatening illnesses, divorce, travel, etc. What makes your angle fresh even if the heart of it is similar to books that are already out there?

Get More Info :  Our Favorite Quotes From Sandra Yancey

How to Protect Yourself and Your Identity in 2022 During the Online Shopping Season

 The holidays are here! Bringing joy, time off from school and work, and days spent with friends and loved ones. But they can also bring added stressors. Whether you’re stretching your financial resources to afford gifts, struggling with travel plans, or rushing to get everything ready before taking some time off, the extra costs and stress could make you more distracted and feel overwhelmed. Why does this matter?

When we’re distracted and trying to multitask, we become more susceptible to hackers, scammers, and Cybermonsters. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to steal money or access sensitive data. The holidays are an opportunity they can exploit because of our desire to get ahead and find the best deals for fear of missing out. Cybermonsters could trick us into giving up personal information, credit card numbers, or bank account credentials.

How Do I Protect Myself During the Online Shopping Season?

The Be I AM (Be Intentional, Aware, and Mindful) is a simple practice you can incorporate and avoid becoming a victim during this shopping season.

Be Intentional

Being Intentional means acting purposefully. Setting an intention can help with your budget and your safety. For example, you might think you’re getting a great deal because you’ve found a coupon code, but sometimes those codes aren’t legitimate. If you see a discount on an item you want, check out the seller’s reviews and ratings to ensure you’re dealing with someone reputable. Follow these three recommendations to Be Intentional:

Visit the main website instead of clicking an offer over email or text. Beware of online marketplaces you’ve never heard of before. If the offer looks too good to be true, it probably is!

Read More About: Success Minded Business Owners

Adding Revenue Streams


As an entrepreneur, you have many things to consider- chief among them cash flow. Obviously, you must ensure your profit margins are in place, you have enough to cover the cost of doing business, and bring in enough to assure growth and pay yourself the salary you desire, but what happens when times are lean? How do you supplement that income and add additional revenue streams? We have some ideas…


If you’re an entrepreneur, you clearly have a zone of genius. Speaking to that zone of genius onstage is a fantastic way to supplement income with paid speaking gigs and draw attention to your business in front of your potential customer base. For more information on speaking opportunities, click here. 


Comparable to speaking, podcasts give you a great platform to show your zone of genius and engage with your audience. Not only does it show you as an expert in your field, you’re given the opportunity to connect with peers through interviews and eventually monetize through sponsorships, ads, paid membership tiers, and more. 

Social Media

It may be easier said than done as it does take hard work but depending on the size of your network and social media audience, with some strategic content planning, and add revenue with brand partnerships and paid.

Get More info : Adding Revenue Streams  

Gratitude & The Entrepreneur

 Being an entrepreneur can be an isolating gig, but as we enter a month that orbits around gratitude, it is important to remember there is a lot for entrepreneurs to be thankful for as well.

Flexibility Go on Glass Door, Indeed, or any job hunting website, and you’ll see tons of companies bragging about how “flexible” they are. Flexible hours, work from home opportunities, etc. It makes send why they tout this, flexibility equals freedom. But we all know that the way to true freedom and flexibility is entrepreneurship. It may not be easy, but it is the surest way to create and sustain true flexibility in your schedule and your life.

Choosing your tribe We spend our youth in school with others who we may or may not like because we have to. Then when we get older, and we spend our work time with others who we may or may not like because we are paid to. But when you are an entrepreneur, you have the freedom and empowerment to choose and build your tribe. As we get older, there is a lot of talk about your chosen family and entrepreneurs have the gift of curating that family through friends, employees, and the fellow entrepreneurs who lift you as you climb.

Read More About: Growth strategies for successful business owners.

5 Books Entrepreneurs Should Look for in 2023

 Being an entrepreneur can be an isolating gig. Because of this, entrepreneurs are often some of the most proactive people when it comes to bettering themselves, their skills, and their lives. Here are some of the most anticipated books of 2023 that entrepreneurs should be chomping at the bit to get their hands on!

Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs by Uri Levine

Written by the founder of Waze, this book captures the passion and perseverance it takes to be an entrepreneur while giving an inside look at the creation and sale of Waze to Google for 1.1 billion dollars. Uri Levine covers everything from Hiring and firing to when to sell your business.

What people are saying: “SPOILER ALERT: this book will change your life and become your “bible” if you are an entrepreneur.” — Steve Wozniak, Cofounder of Apple.

Read More About: fall in love with the problem

How Our CEO Does Self-Care Pre-Conference


ICON 2022 is a magical time. But it’s also one heck of an undertaking here at eWomenNetwork. In the time leading up to conference the days are long and brains are bursting at the seams with all of the overflowing to do lists. The eWN community is filled with entrepreneurs who know that feeling well. For you, that time could be tax season, right before an important retreat, the holiday season, etc. It’s different for everyone! With such a busy community of successful entrepreneurs, we figured it’s the perfect time to share with you some of our CEO’s favorite self-care treatments to prep for ICON 2022.

Sandra Yancey recently spent the day at Beauti Science, a Dallas area Med Spa who will be part of our first ever Beauty Lounge at ICON 2022. They’ll be offering services at ICON and we are THRILLED to have them as a partner.

Here are some of Sandra’s favorites:

Botox. This magical little needle does more than just reduce signs of aging. Did you know it also has been proven to stop migraines, reduce excessive sweating, and reduce joint pain? And that’s just the beginning. But perhaps the most immediate benefit of botox is the years it takes off your face with no surgery needed. Everyone has different feelings about the aging process, the most important thing is that you feel good about yourself. 

PRP Facial. Otherwise known as the “vampire facial”, the PRP Facial utilizes microneedling. Microneedling is a pain-free, non-invasive way to stimulate collagen production. In addition to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this treatment also helps with sun damage, rosacea, and has been known to shrink pores. A great service for people of all ages, this facial is a great way to give you a CEO glow. 

Get More Info :  How Our CEO Does Self-Care Pre-Conference

5 Reasons Your Net Worth Lies Within Your Network

NET WORTH (noun): The total wealth of an individual, company, or household, taking account of all financial assets and liabilities.

NETWORK (noun): A group or system of interconnected people of things.

Okay, we know the technical definition of net worth, but your net worth is reflected in your network, not only because of the quality of your contacts and relationships, but because of the opportunities for growth your network provides you. 

Elevation. When you put yourself into a network with those who are playing on another level, those peers require you to elevate your game. Simply put, you show up differently. When you’re young and you’re hanging out with a group of kids in high school, how you’re viewed by your peers and mentors is affected by who you surround yourself with. Your professional network is no different. The stakes are higher, and the clothes are (usually) better, but other than that, cultivating your network is the grown-up equivalent of finding your clique.  

Access. The priorities you have when curating your network should differ from the priorities you have when curating friendships. While both are important, you want to be mindful of the doors your network opens for you and vice versa. Access is everything. When you exchange business cards with one person, you are cementing the first impression with one person, but seeding the potential for introductions to dozens more. 

Get More Info :  5 Reasons Your Net Worth Lies Within Your Network

5 Books Entrepreneurs Should Look for in 2023

Being an entrepreneur can be an isolating gig. Because of this, entrepreneurs are often some of the most proactive people when it comes to bettering themselves, their skills, and their lives. Here are some of the most anticipated books of 2023 that entrepreneurs should be chomping at the bit to get their hands on!

Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs by Uri Levine

Written by the founder of Waze, this book captures the passion and perseverance it takes to be an entrepreneur while giving an inside look at the creation and sale of Waze to Google for 1.1 billion dollars. Uri Levine covers everything from Hiring and firing to when to sell your business.

What people are saying: “SPOILER ALERT: this book will change your life and become your "bible" if you are an entrepreneur." — Steve Wozniak, Cofounder of Apple   

Good Power: Leading Positive Change in Our Lives, Work, and World by Ginni Rometty

A combination of memoir, business guide, and call to action for good, the former chairman, CEO, and President of IBM gives entrepreneurs a powerful must-read. Broken into three sections, “Me”, “We”, and “Us”, Ginni’s book is sure to inspire transformation and change in its readers. 

Get More Info :  5 Books Entrepreneurs Should Look for in 2023


Online Course Creation for Entrepreneurs | Business Success Coach

Kat Dunn founded the Kat The Coursebuilder brand in 2015 with the goal of “helping 1 million people teach 1 million” by providing turn key done for you course building and marketing services. Kat is a professional Instructional Designer with a Masters Degree in Instructional Design, a Masters Degree in Business and more than 20 years of experience building and launching courses for some of the most recognizable brands in the world such as Walmart, Verizon Wireless, ADP, The Federal Government and dozens more. Kat has assembled a team of more than 20 industry professionals to service her clients which includes coaches, speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and celebrities that are expanding their brands with courses. KTCB has launched over 17,000 courses since 2015, in 5 countries, on 3 continents.

N: There are probably a lot of people out there who may benefit greatly from courses, but don’t even know that this world exists, so for those people who say, “what do you mean by course?”, what do you mean by course?

K: That is a really great foundational question, so it’s great that we’re starting there. A course is an instructional pathway, so the full term that that instructional pathway can take is varied. So the three main types of courses are instructor led- that is where there is in-person instruction. There’s typically a classroom style setup and an in-person instructor. The second type of course is virtual instructor led training, also known as VILT. That’s similar to what we’re doing now on zoom, you see me, I see you, but we’re not in person, we’re virtual. And that’s what a lot of us have been doing throughout COVID, there have been a lot of virtual instructor led trainings. The third [main] type of course is asynchronous, self-paced, automated. That’s the kind of course you take when you start a new job and they have you go through training and you’ve got to watch all these videos, that is asynchronous and self-paced. It’s also the main type of course that is going to give entrepreneurs their time and freedom, because that is the only type of course where you don’t actually have to be present in order to serve your learners.

N: As far as the subject matter of courses, does is run the gamut, do you see any trends there as far as subjects that are more common or more in demand?

K: There are certain niches that are just going to get the riches. So, in our agency we’ve worked in over a hundred different niches, everything from horticulture, bee keeping, nail salons, it just runs that gamut. In terms of profitability, it’s not so much a matter of which one of those 106 niches are the most profitable, it really has to do with your willingness to talk about the fact that you know somethings that other people want to know.

In terms of the hierarchy of the niches, we know that the wealth niche is going to get the most attention in any situation. So, if you’re helping people to make money or save money, then you are in one of the most profitable niches out there. And if you can position your niche to help people make money or save money, then you’re definitely in the right place.

Get More Info : Business Success Coach

How to Maximize SEO for Your Business Website


Everyone knows about SEO, but do you know about SEO? SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Simply put, SEO is meant to help people find your website. You want someone looking for your services to enter what they want into Google and have your site appear close to the top, right? Obviously, a great way to do this is to hire professional SEO experts to help you, but if you’re not there yet there are several little things you can do to improve your odds. Let’s take a look. 

Use the right language. We are all about professional copywriters here, they’re expert professionals who wordsmith how to make the magic you do easy to understand, impressive, and desirable. But not all copywriters are SEO experts. So, when you are thinking about the name of your company, how to tag pages, Google descriptions, and more, make sure the copy reflects what people are most likely to search. If you specialize in custom jewelry, do not add an SEO description that says, “bespoke jewelry for your luminous self”, people probably aren’t googling that phrase. Use something like “custom jewelry made to order.” 

Use Google Trends. If you participated in our Grow with Google Challenge this past October, then you already know the magic that is Google Trends. If you weren’t able to join us, Google Trends should be your new best friend when analyzing SEO friendly language. Are you debating whether to use the word custom or bespoke? Powerful versus fierce? Google trends will help you see which word is more searched and where those searches are taking place. Check it out here

Tag everything, even photos. Just because you have had a beautiful website created, doesn’t mean it’s going to show up in a Google search the way you want. Familiarize yourself with your website’s SEO tagging features and do not forget to tag those photos! 

Get More Info : How to Maximize SEO for Your Business Website

Strategic In-Person Business Introductions

We want to learn about you and your business—Please join us!

Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary IN-PERSON business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this IN-PERSON event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

Meet potential new clients

Share what your business offers

Discover needed resources

Obtain help and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

Event url:-

DATE & TIME : February 6, 2023, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Contact Number :- 972-620-9995

A Letter To My Working Mom


Let me go ahead and start this off with saying that I hate the term “working mom,” because I believe even stay-at-home-moms are also WORKING moms. Mom-life ain’t easy and whichever path you choose; you are going to be putting in work.

What I also know, is that while “working-mom-hard” and “stay-at-home-mom-hard” may be equal, they are also very different. 

They experience a different kind of mom-guilt. 

It’s a different kind of stress.

A different kind of tired.

So today, I want to talk to the “working mom” that is both a mom and also running a business...

Because, you see, not only am I in that category now, so I feel like I get her. But I was also raised by her. I saw her sweat the sweat, and I saw her cry the tears. I might have even seen her shed the blood on a few occasions. 

And now as I walk a mile in her stiletto’s, and find myself reliving all her blood, sweat, and tears on my own journey as a working-mom, I wanted to take this Mother’s Day weekend as an opportunity to share 3 of the most profound lessons my mom passed on to me…

I know for a fact that we, women, can really have it all. Not because my mama told me so, but because she showed me so. I watched her do it. I watched her build an empire out of thin air. I watched her have a beautiful marriage and loving relationship with my dad. I watched her be there for me and my brother whenever we needed her most. 

I watched her buy the house, hire the trainer, get the TV recognition, do the charity, and accomplish literally everything she wanted. And it’s because she did it herself, that I know with complete confidence and clarity that it’s possible for me.

 Get More Info : A Letter To My Working Mom

Mastering First Impressions | Women Networking

First impressions are important. People make judgements about you in as little as 20 seconds. Studies have shown that first impressions, par...